Monday, September 26, 2011

Just when you thought you were all alone

The Google story that I have chosen to write my post about is called “CONFESSIONS OF A GOOGLE EMPLOYEE”. This story is about Doug Edwards, a former director of consumer marketing and brand management at Google. Edwards has written a book title “I’m Feeling Lucky: Confessions of Google Employee Number 59” and he is being interviewed based off the information within the book.

                Within the interview, Edward said that the Google Toolbar scared people because of its ability to rank a website that you’ve visited. This means that Google keeps track of the sites that you’ve visited. He also mentioned that the beginning of Gmail also scared people because users believed that Google was reading their Email in order to show them advertisement. He gave another example of Google’s tracking ability when he referred to what happens if you’ve misspelled a word in Google. If you do misspell a word, the computer will ask you if you meant another word or phrase. This can only be done if Google stores your previous searches in its memory. This relates to our classroom discussions because in one of our classroom power point slides, it said that by us signing up to websites, we are giving them information that  advertisers can use to try and sell us things, develop products, and track our activity.

                In conclusion, there are pros and cons to this Google characteristic. Yes, Google has the capability to make your searches efficient and less time consuming. On the other hand, there is a natural uncomfortable feeling you will always have if you know that someone is tracking the sites you go on. This story makes you value the minimal privacy you actually have in this world.

Monday, September 19, 2011

The Tree of Life

           The relationship between humans and nature is an ongoing partnership dating back to the beginning of human civilization. Since nature and humans correlate so well, sometimes you can find similar characteristics between the two. I have chosen this relationship to explain what object best relates to me. The tree and I have a perfect correlation.

            The tree is a valuable component to the circle of life. It is a permanent and temporary home for many animals. It is a source of food for animals and humans. The tree also provides shade from sun rays. In my eyes, trees and I have more in common than great height and long branches.  I am also a valuable component in the circle of someone’s life. I believe that God has placed me the lives of certain individuals and they were placed in my life for the same reason. When it comes to relationships, my ex girlfriends have had a temporary home in my heart. I have not yet found a woman to live there permanently, but I am always open to the right buyer. I cannot produce food but I can produce words of knowledge for those who are willing to listen. Due to my protective nature, I believe that I can provide shade from life’s sun rays. I try to protect my love ones from danger when they’re in my presence.

            In conclusion, the tree and I not only had a physical relationship but a spiritual one as well. I am someone’s tree and I am happy to be that tree. It brings me joy to bring comfort and security to those whom pass my way. I have accepted my role in the circle of life and hope I can continue to be the tree God wants me to be. Whether I am in real life or online, I like to keep my personal life private. I am more verbally cautious online than I am in real life.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Does Media Equal Real Life ?

In the article, “Media Equation”, the author writes about human’s natural instinct in giving electronics human like characteristics or also knows as anthropomorphism. The article talks about human’s ability to show emotion towards the object as if it would respond. The article gave examples such as the emotion we feel during a scary movie and also the movements we show as an actor moves towards us while on television. It then explains that our reaction has nothing to do with our mental capacity but actually gives credit to our ability to adapt our minds to entertainment. The article explains that certain forms of entertainment will no longer be amusing if we took it in a realistic point of view. The theory that is presented is that media equal real life.  Throughout the article the author gives points on how the theory is false and true. I believe that media equals real life.

            I came to this decision after I realized that media directly transfers into our daily lives.  Most of the shows on television are based on real life experiences and situations. When it comes to the internet, whatever you put on the internet can be used against you. Even though actors are not who they portray, the situations they perform open our emotional doors of fear or happiness. They touch us because they are easy to relate to and show empathy towards.

            In conclusion, you cannot deny the feelings, emotions, and responsibility that media acquires. In life there are plenty of things that give us satisfaction that is not the original art form. A hug can comfort you but so can a comfy bed. A doctor can take care of you but so can a reliable vehicle. Just because it’s not the original that doesn’t mean it isn’t as good as the original.