Monday, December 5, 2011

Hears the season to be Jolly, lalalalalalalalala

Our flash mob was a true success. I had never participated in such a group activity and it was a true experience.  In this blog I will talk about the sequence of events that played in my mind as my classmates and I prepared to shock the McFarland Student Union Building.

            Thirty minutes before the event I was extremely nervous. I had never participated in a flash mob and was curious on the outcome of the event. As the McFarland Student Union Building became flooded with students, my nerves became uneasy. As we walked outside of the multipurpose room, an unexpected smile came to my face. The whistle was blown and as I made snow angles in the middle of the floor, I could only laugh as my friends watched. It is said that all communication makes statements, and I believed that our flash mob made a huge statement. It was a heartwarming experience and the snow angles represented the coming of the holiday season. Some people thought the flash mob was entertaining and were brought into the holiday spirit. Gemeinschaft is the feeling we have when we’re really together and feel a shared we-ness. The Flash mob brought to my attention that my classmates and I, for the first time, were doing something as a group. I believed that by my classmates and I doing something together, my nervousness disappeared and I was comfortable with performing. When you believe you are apart of a big group, you feel obligated to partake in-group norms. When you are an individual among a group of people you do not feel obligated to associate yourself with everyone.     I was thrilled to participate in this once in a lifetime experience. I will always remember this college experience thanks to Dr. Bock.

1 comment:

  1. We really did get our gemeinschaft on, didn't we Brandon! Thanks for bringing along a good group!
