Sunday, October 30, 2011

We are not safe

Privacy is a delicate subject because what is private is based an individual personal belief.  Through out the world of Facebook, people privacy settings are set for different options and characteristics. Which leads me to ask what if your privacy is evaded.  This is a sensitive topic because there is no way around keeping everything private. Some things like profanity and obscenity can be avoided but what about searching the Internet for information on herpes infections or your ISP knowing about you political activism, are we safe?  

I do not believe that our Facebook pages should be public to the world but on the other hand, if you do not want your Facebook to be public to the world then do not make a Facebook page. People say that once its on the web its there forever. That is the scariest statement anyone can tell someone of this generation. I wish that out information we put on the Internet could only be use by us or by us giving permission to someone else.  There is information that is acceptable to the public like your real name and the school you attend. However, pictures of you drinking obsessive amount of alcohol or doing obscene things should not be placed on the Internet. These incidents should be kept in the privacy of your phone or camera, and not on the Internet.   I do not want drug marketers and ISP’s knowing everything I do while on the Internet and in these cases I wish we could keep these things to ourselves.

In conclusion, I wish we could implement a law that puts us in more control of all things that the public can see. The topic is too broad to say specifics because a pedophile should be watched if they’re preying on teenagers but we should be allowed to look up certain information without been scrutinized. I do not believe we will ever come to an agreement on a universal privacy law but I know that as of right now our privacy is being evaded.


Monday, October 24, 2011

The World of Dr.Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

            Imagine being able to create a perfect person with no flaws, no insecurities, and every characteristic you wish you could obtain. This is what Second Life allows you to create. It is amazing that your allowed to communicate with people around the world without revealing your true identity. I will take you through my journey of second life snf explain the headaches I went through but also my experience of a world with unlimited possibilities for interactions.
            After going through the process of making my Second Life account, I was now responsible for creating and operating my created character. If taking care of a pet is anything like operating a character on Second Life, then I will never have a pet. Moving the character was extremely difficult. I had to press the arrows repeatedly before the character would move and if I pressed it too many times then the character would move to far. Controlling the angles of the camera was a huge part of which direction the character would move. I believe that my previous knowledge on how a character in a game moves cause me to have a lack of patience with my Second Life character. Once I finally got my character to move with the slightest amount of my control, I followed the direction arrows found on the floor. These arrows led me to land marks that helped me make the Second Life experience more enjoyable. There was a landmark for teaching me how move, how to sit, how to fly, how to chat, and how to find destinations. Second Life allowed me to be a completely different person and allowed me to show other people the emotions I wanted to display. When you are face to face with someone, your natural reaction shows first instead of your revised reaction.
            In conclusion the name Second Life gives it justice. Websites similar to this allows people to live two different lifestyles and also gives others courage that they are lacking. This was interesting to witness but a headache that I wouldn’t wish on anyone. This was an eye opening assignment and extremely educational.


Monday, October 17, 2011

Technology is not the problem, you are the problem !!!

After reading the article, the fact that there was not a gradual increase in test scores did not surprised me. I am also not surprised that scores have decreased. Some people think that it’s the technology that will help the scores increase but its society that will increase the scores. Technology doesn’t change people and definitely doesn’t make students who get low grades magically get high grades. In this blog I will break down who I believe is responsible for the consistent and depleting grades

            I believe that the software is not making a difference because the people using the software have not changed. Technology can play a valid asset in education because videos and pictures can bring light to an unclear topic and enhance understanding. Even though technology has increased the college tuition, technology is needed in certain situations like electronic media courses. If society wants test scores to be higher than more parents should get involved in their child’s education. There are parents who are not helping their child learn the basic essentials of education which causes them to suffer throughout their academic career. If the child cannot read, then technology will not miraculously make the child read on a scholar reading level. The test scores did not increase because the students did not become smarter. They have also decrease because some of them have found loop holes on how to pass the class without learning anything. On the other hand, some teachers have used technology as a crutch and are no longer teaching the students but are actually making students teach themselves. This would be a great idea if some students actually took the time to learn the subject but some take it as an opportunity to not do work.

            In conclusion, technology may be wonderful but it does turn students into Albert Einstein. If parents helped their children learn the basics, then the scores would increase. Eventually a parent can not be a crutch for the child but if the parent instills certain morals into their child, those values can possibly be learned and retained. Technology is the future but don’t forget that children are the future and the children will control the technology.

Monday, October 10, 2011

You can't build a house without a good foundation

            In life, a person’s upbringing, experiences, and natural instincts molds them into the person of the present. They affect the way the person’s thinks, acts, and carry themselves. The UN scene data that is stored into these individuals is just as important as their physical characteristics. What rises to the surface is the finish product but the preparation is where real works begins. The wrong coding of an individual can cause a person to be either Bill Gates or the next ax murderer. It is the same for web pages. The wrong coding will either cause a negative result or nothing will happen at all. While making my html page, I realized that there’s correlation between human and WebPages. In this blog you will hear about my journey.

            While making my page, I was astounded on how the html codes made the web page. The complicated symbolic equations actually made a simple background color, heading, or font size.  The preciseness needed to make a simple background color is the equivalent of a physics equation. One simple error such as a missed quotation mark or misspelled word will result in a negative effect. My experience shows me that the average web site is constructed of billions of codes that would make Einstein head hurt. I am happy that I’ve witnessed such an extraordinary secret. I have a new respect for web page designers and computer sciences.

            The correlation between people and computers is extremely accurate and that explains the increasing amount of people using the internet throughout the years. We are built similar but we have our differences. One thing that was brought to my attention while doing this project is that whether its people or WebPages, the foundation has to be stable in order for them to operate successfully.