Monday, October 10, 2011

You can't build a house without a good foundation

            In life, a person’s upbringing, experiences, and natural instincts molds them into the person of the present. They affect the way the person’s thinks, acts, and carry themselves. The UN scene data that is stored into these individuals is just as important as their physical characteristics. What rises to the surface is the finish product but the preparation is where real works begins. The wrong coding of an individual can cause a person to be either Bill Gates or the next ax murderer. It is the same for web pages. The wrong coding will either cause a negative result or nothing will happen at all. While making my html page, I realized that there’s correlation between human and WebPages. In this blog you will hear about my journey.

            While making my page, I was astounded on how the html codes made the web page. The complicated symbolic equations actually made a simple background color, heading, or font size.  The preciseness needed to make a simple background color is the equivalent of a physics equation. One simple error such as a missed quotation mark or misspelled word will result in a negative effect. My experience shows me that the average web site is constructed of billions of codes that would make Einstein head hurt. I am happy that I’ve witnessed such an extraordinary secret. I have a new respect for web page designers and computer sciences.

            The correlation between people and computers is extremely accurate and that explains the increasing amount of people using the internet throughout the years. We are built similar but we have our differences. One thing that was brought to my attention while doing this project is that whether its people or WebPages, the foundation has to be stable in order for them to operate successfully.

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