After reading the article, the fact that there was not a gradual increase in test scores did not surprised me. I am also not surprised that scores have decreased. Some people think that it’s the technology that will help the scores increase but its society that will increase the scores. Technology doesn’t change people and definitely doesn’t make students who get low grades magically get high grades. In this blog I will break down who I believe is responsible for the consistent and depleting grades
I believe that the software is not making a difference because the people using the software have not changed. Technology can play a valid asset in education because videos and pictures can bring light to an unclear topic and enhance understanding. Even though technology has increased the college tuition, technology is needed in certain situations like electronic media courses. If society wants test scores to be higher than more parents should get involved in their child’s education. There are parents who are not helping their child learn the basic essentials of education which causes them to suffer throughout their academic career. If the child cannot read, then technology will not miraculously make the child read on a scholar reading level. The test scores did not increase because the students did not become smarter. They have also decrease because some of them have found loop holes on how to pass the class without learning anything. On the other hand, some teachers have used technology as a crutch and are no longer teaching the students but are actually making students teach themselves. This would be a great idea if some students actually took the time to learn the subject but some take it as an opportunity to not do work.
In conclusion, technology may be wonderful but it does turn students into Albert Einstein. If parents helped their children learn the basics, then the scores would increase. Eventually a parent can not be a crutch for the child but if the parent instills certain morals into their child, those values can possibly be learned and retained. Technology is the future but don’t forget that children are the future and the children will control the technology.
Brandon -- I think you are right here - parents, or supportive adults, can make all the difference. The people who raise us are the people who expect us to learn and make something of ourselves.