Imagine being able to create a perfect person with no flaws, no insecurities, and every characteristic you wish you could obtain. This is what Second Life allows you to create. It is amazing that your allowed to communicate with people around the world without revealing your true identity. I will take you through my journey of second life snf explain the headaches I went through but also my experience of a world with unlimited possibilities for interactions.
After going through the process of making my Second Life account, I was now responsible for creating and operating my created character. If taking care of a pet is anything like operating a character on Second Life, then I will never have a pet. Moving the character was extremely difficult. I had to press the arrows repeatedly before the character would move and if I pressed it too many times then the character would move to far. Controlling the angles of the camera was a huge part of which direction the character would move. I believe that my previous knowledge on how a character in a game moves cause me to have a lack of patience with my Second Life character. Once I finally got my character to move with the slightest amount of my control, I followed the direction arrows found on the floor. These arrows led me to land marks that helped me make the Second Life experience more enjoyable. There was a landmark for teaching me how move, how to sit, how to fly, how to chat, and how to find destinations. Second Life allowed me to be a completely different person and allowed me to show other people the emotions I wanted to display. When you are face to face with someone, your natural reaction shows first instead of your revised reaction.
In conclusion the name Second Life gives it justice. Websites similar to this allows people to live two different lifestyles and also gives others courage that they are lacking. This was interesting to witness but a headache that I wouldn’t wish on anyone. This was an eye opening assignment and extremely educational.
Brandon - What have we studied in class that has relevance to your 2L experience? Think about identity, multiphrenia, depaysement, and so on. What about hyperpersonal relationships? Use your posts as a chance to demonstrate your facility with our material.